How Gout Affects The Entire Family. A heartfelt message to all you caregivers out there!

Hi, I’m Sharon. You might already know me as the gout wife.

But in case we’re meeting for the first time, just like so many of you who subscribe to the Gout Killer, I am the spouse of someone with gout. In this case, that someone is the original gout Killer himself, Bert Middleton.


Well, Bert asked me to make this recording for you today because we know there are thousands of you who subscribe to our community while you don’t actually have gout yourself. Instead, you’re here because you are the spouse or partner or parent or child, friend or coworker of someone else who has gout.

And you’re here because you want to help that person.

You Are Suffering Too…Aren’t You?!!!

So, first, I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge that as the loved one or supporter of someone with gout, you too are also suffering, right?

I mean, obviously, it is horrendously awful for that person in your life with gout. But that does not negate or erase the fact that gout is also negatively affecting your life.

What I mean to say is, like it or not, gout is a family affair. It drags down the quality of life for everyone who cares for and is close to the person who actually has the gout. I mean, after all, here is someone you care deeply about and yet, you probably feel helpless to support him or her in any meaningful way. And this helplessness can be incredibly frustrating.

For example, have you ever watched your loved one writhing in agony, holding his or her breath because the pain was so bad? What did you do?

Well, you might have tried offering a helpful suggestion like, “Just keep breathing.” But maybe that suggestion was, well, less than well received.

And if it is your spouse with gout, perhaps you’ve had to sleep in different beds from time to time because any movement at all, even just rolling over and accidentally tugging the sheet a bit, can cause an excruciating moment of pain and potentially unleash a stream of profanity in the middle of the night. Right?

You ALSO Have To Adjust Your Life Plans!

And have you ever had plans to go do something fun that got scrapped because of gout?

I mean, you ALSO have to adjust your life plans when a gout attack strikes.

And while you probably feel total compassion for your loved one with gout and you really do want to help in any way you can, this taking a backseat to gout can get really old. I mean especially when an attack drags out over many days, weeks, or months.

If your loved one is getting one gout attack right after another, you might wake up one day and realize that an entire decade of your life has slipped by without you getting to live the life or have the life experiences that you had hoped for.

Sucks, right?

And how about your family? Have you ever worried about your kids being exposed to that degree of grumpiness? I mean after all, gout attacks can trigger some serious bad moods, don’t they? Or maybe you’ve been concerned about your kids seeing their dad or mom in so much agony.

This can be very traumatic to impressionable young ones.

The Financial Impact Sucks, Too, Doesn’t It?

And then there’s the financial impact.

Perhaps your family income has been reduced significantly because your loved one cannot go to work or maybe can’t even hold a job. And then, if you’ve become the primary bread winner as a result, this can put a lot of pressure on you.

And have you ever suddenly found yourself wondering, “Hey! Where’s my support team?” I mean so much sympathy gets poured out onto the person with gout yet you could use some extra help too.

One of my lowest point happened several years ago when I had to miss my only brother’s wedding.

Bert needed to have surgery to remove several knots of tophi from his fingers and the only time the surgery could be scheduled was right at the same time as the wedding. So I stayed home to help Bert and it is a good thing I did. I mean his pain after the surgery was unbelievable.

Can you imagine getting your fingers sliced open and having them cut through all of those nerve endings? Oh my gosh!

Well, to this day, I still feel sad to have missed my brother’s wedding.

I know from having visited with as many of you as I have that… my story isn’t all that different from yours.

You Are NOT Alone … Here’s What I Suggest You Do FIRST!

So all this is to say I want you to know that you are not alone. And your story, most likely, is not that different from mine or the other gout supporters within our community.

If your loved one or friend is still suffering with gout today, here’s what I suggest you do first:


Get him or her on the program outlined in the book, “Kill Your Gout Now,” which gives an emergency response tactic for getting the pain and symptoms under control immediately. 

And then, if you’re ready for more long-term management secrets to help your loved one, then check out:


“Kill Your Gout For Good” VIDEO

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Both of these walk your friend through the exact same strategy that Bert has successfully used to control his gout for over a decade now, as well as to help thousands of others control their gout.

And hey, to wrap up, if you have a gout story you’d like to share with us, good or bad, we would absolutely love to hear from you.

Please mail it to [email protected].

Again, I’m Sharon, the gout wife, and we are so glad to have you with us here at the Gout Killer.