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You’re here because you’ve reached your limit of all the GOUT PAIN you can handle and, you’re ready to do whatever you’ve got to do to make sureit doesn’t happen again, right?

Besides all the pain of all the gout attacks I endured while trying to figure out how to stop a gout attack, and the frustration of all the trial-and-error I went through while learning how to keep gout from coming back, and the countless hours of bleeding-eyeball online-research, and the thousands of emails and phone calls I’ve had helping people get past the confusion of gout, plus all the time effort, energy and money it took for me to become a gout-specialized certified nutritionist…besides all of that…the untold hours of BRAIN DAMAGE it took for me to put this whole huge course together was the hardest part. But I did it…and I did it for you.

Introducing My New and Improved, 7-day Video Training Series:

Kill Your Gout FOR GOOD

This Is My Special Price To You – My Appreciation For YOU as a LOYAL CUSTOMER!

A 7 Day Video-based Online Program Showing You How to NEVER GET GOUT AGAIN




In addition to the “Kill Gout FORMULA” for immediate gout pain relief,you will ALSO DISCOVER:

  • A Real-World Gout-Diet you can actually stick with
  • WHY being a vegetarian could make your gout WORSE
  • The “Prime Nutrient” to immediate and lasting/permanent gout relief
  • The Absolute WORST Thing to Drink that is guaranteed to aggravate your gout
  • What you should be drinking to prevent gout
  • The one form of exercise to AVOID AT ALL COSTS
  • How the “Silent Killer” is damaging your body and causing one gout attack after another
  • How to stop the Silent Killer
  • The Single Biggest Culprit behind the cause of gout
  • The “quick fix” you can do now take control and get back to work and living life
  • A sure-fire customizable ACTION PLAN for remaining gout-free FOR GOOD

All content is delivered in an “At Your Own Pace”package which includes:


  • 14 Tutorial Videos
  • MP3 Audio Files
  • Written PDF Manuals
  • Customizable Action Blueprints



That Is $150 Savings Over the

Regular Program Price of $297!

$50 bill
$50 bill


$50 bill

Plus I include these 2 KILLER BONUSES to sweeten the deal:

Special Bonus #1: One FREE 40 minute Gout Coaching Session with yours truly (The Gout Killer himself) to customize your personal Action Plan and get on firmly on the road to permanent gout-freedom as soon as possible (VALUE? Priceless!)

Special Bonus #2: Kill Gout 365 ~ I look forward to your “thank-you-so-MUCH” emails when you start getting each one of these bite-sized gout-killin’ daily email REMINDERS (short and sweet & to the point) to help you to stay like a train-on-a-track to your new, permanent gout-free life.

What Others Are Saying…

Good day Bert,

First and foremost, I am a big follower of the gout killer program. I cannot say I know all about it, but in general it has been life changing for me. I do greatly appreciated coming across the program.

Air, Breathing, Water and for me drinking has been all resolved. A great diet being followed and on the way to being in the best shape of my life.



Thank you Bert for the information. I placed my order last night for this product. My gout has been in check by using your program and I read on you e-mail. Breathing, water, relaxing, and eating right has been great for me.

Thank you very much.

Have a Merry Christmas and a great New Year.


Oh, my goodness! My boyfriend tried the baking soda, apple cider & water, he said, it worked! Thank you soooo soooo much! I was very worried, I am still at work, though!

I will buy your program on “How to Kill Gout,” when I get home! Thank you, again!

~ Elaine

You can get instant access to the first video session TODAY for one low investment of just $147 and save yourself a lifetime of gout pain not to mention thousands of dollars of pharmaceutical drugs that don’t always work anyway.



I know you want to NEVER GET GOUT AGAIN,

and I know YOU NEED THIS INFORMATION to make it happen,

and so I want you to GET A PROVEN GAME PLAN.


SEIZE THE MOMENT and get serious about killing your gout FOR GOOD Click the “BUY NOW” button to get the 7 secret weapons for PERMANENT gout freedom at this low price offer of $147 – NOW!

Still not sure about the

$147 investment?

Let Me Have You Think About This:

How Much Will Gout Cost You? …if all you do is knock out the gout attacks one at a time, time-after-time, AFTER they hit you, instead of PREVENTING them in the first place?

How Much Has Gout Cost You Already? …in endless doctor visits, prescription drugs, medical supplies, and lost wages because you couldn’t work?

Gout Is a Nasty Disease That:

  • Makes You Beg for MERCY Trying to Stop the Mind-Numbing Pain
  • Sucks the CASH Right Out of Your Pockets
  • Keeps You LOOKING OVER YOUR SHOULDER for the Next Attack
  • Causes You a Lot of EMBARRASSMENT as You Gimp Through Your Day
  • Wears You Down Into a Hopeless State of DEPRESSION

This is your shot to get rid of gout ONCE-AND-FOR-ALL and live a gout-free, pain-free, normal life again…and all for about the same amount of money you usually pay for a month’s worth of beer.   If you SAY YES to this offer and if for any reason it’s not everything you hoped it would be, just email me ([email protected]) and let me know – I’ll refund every penny of your investment, no questions asked.

Our 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee “I’m so confident that you’ll be completely satisfied that I’ll happily give 100% of your money back ($147) if my power-packed, step-by-step instructions fail to exceed your expectations with the useful, practical and easy-to-follow information it contains.” Thanks, Bert

Kill Your Gout FOR GOOD

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$297 Regular Price…a $150 Savings!
