Gout-Video-Tips-and-MoreGout Video Tips and More!

Video Tips, Audio Recording, Events that are happening online and offline – this is where you will find all sorts of stuff happening in The Gout Killer World!


Every Wednesday @ 6:30PM MST:

#LETSTALKGOUT! Call-in Conference Call This Week:


“What’s the Deal with Gluten and Gout?”   STAY TUNED! I will be taking a break from the calls for the next couple of summer months!

Dial: (712) 775-7031  meeting ID: 838-153-754


Bi-monthly @ 7pm MST on Wednesdays:

#THEGOUTHANGOUT! Google Hangout On Air – watch the LIVE STREAM here on this page of TheGoutKiller.com Wednesday,  June 24th: “Uric Acid: How High Is Too High?” 

STAY TUNED! I will be taking a break from the hangouts for the next couple of summer months!

(watch on Youtube!)


Monthly LIVE Event

#GOUTMYTHSEXPOSED! I will be getting the next one scheduled soon! Thanks!


Listen/Watch/See! PAST Conference Calls, Hangouts, and Denver Events!


Conference Calls

Denver Live Events

Google Hangouts

Blackbird MagicSHARE THE LOVE!